Lasik Eye Surgery Experts

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Tips for Maintaining Good Eyesight

Show Those Eyes Some Love!

As we age, maintaining eye health seems to take a back seat to the other creeping, age-related health issues. But knowing how to take care of your eyes can prevent a lot of grief in the future. The steps to take will not only help your eyes, but your general health as well. If you are noticing a decline in your vision, it may be time to seek professional help.

Reputation is EVERYTHING

Reputation is extremely important when choosing a doctor to work on your eyes. We recently searched on Google for an eye doctor in Phoenix AZ and Eye On Health was our top choice because they had so many 5 star reviews. Always read the reviews on the doctor and make sure they are from real customers. Then select an eye doctor based upon their reputation.

But, even if you are not experiencing eye problems, it’s still important to take steps to maintain the good eyesight you have in order to prevent a decline in vision. High on the list of things you can do for your eyes is to eat the right foods. So, what are the right foods? There is a great variety from which to choose, making it easy to maintain healthy eyes. A high intake of foods loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E top the list.

Fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, mackerel, cod, halibut and tuna are high in Omega 3s, as well as walnuts, chia seeds, flax seed oil, hemp seed oil, roasted soybeans, tofu, egg yolks, kidney beans, broccoli, and spinach. 

For Vitamin C, your diet should contain citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruit, tangerines and lemons and other fruits such as peaches, strawberries, and blueberries, as well as veggies like red peppers, tomatoes, carrots and other orange-colored fruits and vegetables like sweet potatoes, apricots, and cantaloupe.

High amounts of Vitamin E can be found in most dark leafy greens, papaya, almonds, kiwi fruit, avocado, olives, bell peppers, broccoli, tomatoes, parsley, and butternut squash.

Kale, spinach, romaine lettuce, collards and turnip greens, as well as broccoli, peas, and corn are high in lutein and zeaxanthin which can lower your risk for age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts. Zinc is also present in high concentrations in the eyes, so legumes of all kinds and peanuts, along with oysters, lean red meat and poultry can increase your zinc intake. If you are not sure you are consuming enough of the essentials, you may choose to take supplements of the necessary nutrients to add to your healthy diet.

Protect Your Eyes

In addition to eating the right foods, when you are playing sports, working on a home-improvements, or using poisonous chemicals, always wear protective eyewear such as goggles or safety glasses to prevent injury to your eyes from a flying object or a splashing liquid. 

Next, most people are unaware of the danger to their eyes from UV rays of the sun and the blue light emitted from computers and smartphones. When outdoors, especially on sunny days, you should always wear sunglasses that have 99-100% UVA and UVB protection.

Too much ultraviolet exposure increases your chances of developing cataracts. When using computers, always use blue light protective glasses. Johns Hopkins wrote an interesting article on how to protect your eyes from UV damage which you can read for more tips.

We’re Not Making This Up

Another thing that is not well-known is that you should replace eye makeup every three months to avoid developing an eye infection as bacteria grows fast in liquid makeup. Never share makeup with others and do not use store samples. And most importantly, always clean your face before and after using makeup.

Probably as important as knowing what to eat and what to do to for maintaining healthy eyes, is knowing what not to eat and do. You are putting your eyes at risk of developing macular degeneration when you eat highly-processed, store bought foods that are high in saturated fats, like red meat, fatty dairy products and fried foods. Also, sugar and fat-rich diets contribute heavily to the odds of contracting Type II Diabetes, which is the single greatest diet-linked threat to your eyesight. Sugary drinks can also affect your health negatively, as well as a diet containing a high intake of carbohydrates, such as rice, bread, pasta, or similar foods that affect eyes in the same way that sugar does. Eat too much and you risk spiking blood glucose levels, which leads to damaging blood vessels in the eye.

The most important TO-DO that should be on your list of “things to do to maintain eye health” is to get eye screenings on a regular basis by a qualified professional who maintains the records of your health and family history. Early detection of eye problems is the key to having a successful outcome.

What Is LASIK Eye Surgery?

For seven centuries, from the late thirteenth century forward, eyeglasses were the only way refractive vision errors could be corrected. The use of contact lenses followed in the 1950’s. Today, there is a surgical solution for the correction of most types of vision problems called refractive surgery.

LASIK (laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis) is one type of refractive surgery that is used to correct common vision problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness and/or astigmatism. Refractive surgery either eliminates or lessens the need for prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses with typical results being 20/20 vision without glasses or contact lenses. If the patient still needs eyeglasses or contact lenses after refractive surgery, the prescription will be measurably lower than before the procedure.

Different Eye Conditions

Nearsightedness (myopia) is a vision impairment that causes objects near to you to be seen distinctly, but objects farther away appear blurry. Individuals with this condition may squint or partially close their eyelids to focus, sit close to the TV or movie screen, or sit in front of the classroom. It may cause headaches from eyestrain and difficulty seeing while driving especially at night. Children with myopia often seem unaware of distant objects, rub eyes repeatedly and blink often. It is most common in people under age 40.

In this condition, the cornea and lens bend (refract) incoming light rays so they incorrectly focus in front of the retina instead of directly on the retina. Myopia occurs when the eyeball is too long or the cornea or lens is abnormally shaped, preventing the incoming light from focusing directly onto the retina.

Farsightedness (Hyperopia) is a vision impairment that causes distant objects to be seen more clearly than objects that are close. It can cause headaches, eyestrain, squinting, and blurry vision particularly for close objects.

In this condition, the cornea and lens bend (refract) incoming light rays so that they incorrectly focus images behind the retina instead of directly on the retina, often resulting in blurred vision. Hyperopia occurs when the eyeball is too short or the cornea or lens is abnormally shaped, preventing the incoming light from focusing directly onto the retina.

1Astigmatism is a vision impairment that causes blurred or distorted vision to some degree at all distances. It can cause eyestrain and headaches after lengthy visual tasks such as reading or studying. There are three types of astigmatism: Myopic, Hyperopic, and Mixed astigmatism.In this condition, the cornea and lens bend (refract) incoming light rays in such a way that they never come to a single focal point on the retina. Instead, there are multiple focal points either in front of the retina, behind it, or both. An irregularly shaped cornea is usually the cause of astigmatism. The cornea should have a round shape like a baseball, but in this condition is shaped more like an American football. An irregular shape of the lens inside the eye can also be the cause of astigmatism. This is called lenticular astigmatism, as opposed to the more common corneal astigmatism. Astigmatism may also be the result of an eye injury.

In this condition, the cornea and lens bend (refract) incoming light rays in such a way that they never come to a single focal point on the retina. Instead, there are multiple focal points either in front of the retina, behind it, or both. An irregularly shaped cornea is usually the cause of astigmatism. The cornea should have a round shape like a baseball, but in this condition is shaped more like an American football. An irregular shape of the lens inside the eye can also be the cause of astigmatism. This is called lenticular astigmatism, as opposed to the more common corneal astigmatism. Astigmatism may also be the result of an eye injury.

What Happens During The Surgery

LASIK uses a laser to create a thin flap in the cornea. The cornea is the transparent cover and outermost lens that focuses the entry of light into the eye. It refracts or bends light, beginning the refraction process that allows an individual to see. The surgeon folds back the flap in order to reshape the curvature of the cornea to alter the way light rays enter the eye to improve, restore or create better eyesight for the patient. 

Although LASIK is the most popular type of refractive surgery in the United States, there are other types that might be a better choice for some individuals such PRK, LASEK, e-LASEK, Corneal implants or intraocular lens implants (IOL) that also can refocus light rays and improve vision. 

Who Can Have The Surgery?

The LASIK procedure is only for adults 21 years or older (18 for myopia). It usually takes about ten minutes and does not require general anesthesia. Eye drops are used to numb the surface of the eye so the patient does not feel pain when the laser is used to create the eye flap. A slight feeling of pressure may feel uncomfortable for a moment but is not associated with pain. It is common for some surgeons to administer a mild sedative or other medication prior to surgery to promote relaxation during the procedure. 

What Is The Recovery Time? 

The recovery time for LASIK is usually within two days but can be up to seven days when most patients notice the improvement in their eyesight. Each patient may have a different experience after LASIK surgery. Some have reported a mild stinging sensation, while others experience moderate pain. Even so, LASIK is reported to have a 96% rate of satisfaction defined by the patient’s improved vision quality according to the Journal of Cataract and Refractive surgery. 

How Long Does It Last?

The greatest benefit to LASIK is that reshaping the cornea to correct near or far sightedness will usually last a lifetime. However, a patient’s eyes can change with time. Ten years after LASIK, almost ten percent of patients may require another procedure to maintain their improved vision. In most cases, LASIK surgery can be safely repeated. 

Are There Any Risks?

The chances of developing complications from LASIK eye surgery are very low. Some patients experience dry eyes due to the temporary decrease in tear production. Others experience difficulty in seeing in dim light, at night or in rain, snow, or fog. Occasionally, post-operative patients see halos, glare, star bursts, have double vision or light sensitivity. Swelling, inflammation, infection, and/or eye pain can occur. In very rare instances, patients experienced a temporary band of light in their peripheral vision. Severe complications, including significant vision loss, have been reported but are extremely rare. 

Nevertheless, most post-surgical complications can be easily managed. For example, if light sensitivity is the problem, eyeglasses with photochromic lenses will relieve the symptom. Also, if you still have a small lingering refractive error after surgery, light prescription lenses having an anti-reflective coating can sharpen vision for night driving, for instance.


Surgery Details

In LASIK, the eye surgeon uses either a microkeratome or a femtosecond laser to penetrate the cornea and create the thin circular flap that allows the doctor to access the stroma. He then uses an excimer laser to remove some corneal tissue. This is a highly specialized laser that uses a cool ultraviolet light beam to remove minute quantities of tissue from the cornea so that it can be reshaped to correctly focus light onto the retina for improved vision. Nearsightedness requires the cornea to be flattened. Farsightedness requires the cornea to be steeper. To correct astigmatism, the excimer laser is used to smooth the cornea into the normal shape.

Before some LASIK procedures, a 3-D map of the patient’s eye is created to provide an in-depth representation of any refractive errors using highly precise measurements. This allows the surgeon to correct the corneal curvature with precision.

After reshaping the cornea, the surgeon lays the flap back in place to cover the area where tissue was removed. The cornea then is allowed to heal naturally. Post-surgery, caffeine should be avoided as well as all foods that would make it difficult to sleep, e.g. sugary foods and drinks. Due to the temporary decrease in tear production in many patients, drinking plenty of water will keep the eyes moist and make the eyes more comfortable. Sleep after the surgery is essential. Arrangements should be made to be driven to and from the location where the procedure will be performed since the patient will be somewhat groggy and will have blurred vision after the surgery.

After The Surgery

2Following LASIK surgery, some LASIK eye clinics advise the following:

  1. Wear the provided plastic shield/goggles at bedtime or whenever you lie down for five days after the procedure
  2. Wear protective sunglasses when outdoors for one week after surgery
  3. Refrain from extended work on a computer on the day of your procedure
  4. Try not to rub your eyes at all
  5. Avoid perspiration in the eyes for one week
  6. Abstain from sexual activity for 24 hours
  7. Restrict exposure to pet hair for one week
  8. Avoid wearing eye make-up, especially mascara, for 10 days
  9. Avoid using a hot tub, steam room, sauna or pool for two weeks
  10. Avoid lake or ocean swimming without goggles for one month

Light physical activity is permitted, but strenuous activity should be avoided for a week after surgery.

What Is The Cost For LASIK?

In the United States in 2017, the average cost of LASIK surgery was $2,088 per eye, according to a report prepared by a leading vision care industry analytics company. However, lower and higher prices are recorded on a number of websites. Prices will vary depending upon the exact procedure performed and the location of the clinic or hospital. According to the 3iLasik website, the cost for the procedure, for instance, is approximately $1200 per eye.

Who Are The Best Candidates For LASIK?

Generally, a suitable LASIK candidate has healthy eyes, stable vision that has not changed for at least one year, is at least 18 years old for treating nearsightedness and at least 21 years old for treating astigmatism, does not have a degenerative or autoimmune disease or any condition that hampers the healing process, and is not pregnant or nursing.

4LASIK should not be performed on individuals with autoimmune or any immunodeficiency disease due to the fact that those conditions affect the body’s ability to heal. Pregnant or nursing mothers should not have this procedure nor should those with evidence of corneal thinning. LASIK should not be performed on anyone taking medications with eye-related side effects, such as Isotretinoin (Accutane®) for acne treatment or Amiodarone hydrochloride (Cordarone®) for normalizing heart rhythm and is not recommended for those with diabetes, a history of herpes simplex or herpes zoster keratitis, significant dry eye, or severe allergies. 

You must disclose to your doctor any eye-related conditions, injuries, or surgeries you have had, any changes to your vision in the past year, and all medications and herbal and vitamin supplements you are taking so that your doctor can accurately determine if you are a candidate for LASIK. 


The main difference between LASIK refractive surgery and another popular refractive surgery, PRK (photorefractive keratectomy) is that the recovery time for PRK is longer (several days to several weeks) and there is a slightly higher risk of eye infection. PRK is best used on patients that are ineligible for LASIK. Also, for some people PRK offers advantages over LASIK.

To understand what advantage or disadvantage PRK has compared to LASIK, the surgical procedures can be compared. In the first step of LASIK, a flap is created on the cornea with a laser and is lifted to expose the corneal tissue. Then it is re-positioned after the reshaping is complete. In PRK, the outer layer of the cornea (epithelium) is completely removed and discarded before reshaping the corneal tissue. The epithelium grows back over the corneal surface within a few days after surgery. A soft contact lens is placed on the cornea to help protect the eye during this period. After the epithelial cells grow back, the eye doctor removes the soft contact lens. (This accounts for the longer recovery time and the greater risk of infection attributed to PRK.) Some patients have both eyes corrected on the same day while others have the second eye treated a week or two later. PRK may take days or even weeks before eyesight improvement can be noticed, and longer for vision to stabilize. It can take from three to six months before eyesight is completely clear and stable. 

The advantage of PRK surgery is that because the procedure does not create a corneal flap, the entire thickness of the underlying stroma is available for reshaping. This is a distinct benefit if the cornea is too thin for LASIK or if LASIK surgery has been previously performed leaving the remaining cornea too thin. Another advantage is that in PRK there is no risk of flap difficulties and less risk of compromised corneal thickness (removing too much of the cornea with the excimer laser). 

After PRK, topical antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and pain medication will be prescribed, which will promote healing, curtail swelling, and reduce discomfort. The prescribing doctor will carefully monitor the healing process for several weeks.

What Are The Differences Between LASEK And LASIK?

LASEK (Laser-Assisted Sub-Epithelial Keratectomy) is another refractive surgery technique that is available that includes a little of both LASIK and PRK. Instead of removing the outer epithelial layer of the cornea and discarding it as is done in PRK, the epithelial layer in LASEK is preserved and re-positioned on the eye’s surface after the reshaping of the cornea is complete. In LASEK surgery, the hinged flap is only created in the epithelial layer of the eye as in PRK using a surgical instrument called a trephine. The LASEK hinged flap is much thinner than the corneal flap created in LASIK (which contains both epithelial and deeper stromal tissues).

In another procedure called epi-LASEK or e-LASEK, the surgeon uses a blunt, plastic blade to separate the epithelial from the eye instead of using alcohol as is done in LASEK. This avoids the possibility of a reaction from alcohol, which can kill epithelial cells. In all other aspects, it is very similar to LASEK.

The outcomes of PRK, LASIK and LASEK surgery have high success rates and similar vision results. In each type of refractive surgery, most people achieve 20/20 vision and nearly all patients attain 20/40 vision or better. 

Possible corneal flap-related complications of LASIK are avoided by the PRK and LASEK techniques. In addition, the possibility of removing too much corneal tissue with the excimer laser in LASIK is avoided in both PRK and LASEK. By avoiding a deeper flap as in LASIK, there is also somewhat less of a risk of developing dry eyes after LASEK.

LASEK may be a better option than LASIK if there is a high degree of nearsightedness, which requires a larger amount of tissue removal to correct the refractive error, or if your occupation or activities put you at high risk of eye injury, risking the dislodging the corneal flap created in LASIK surgery. Often, however, the LASIK procedure is chosen because PRK and LASEK typically involve more discomfort and a longer recovery time compared with LASIK surgery.

Discussing your particular situation with your eye doctor will enable him/her to determine the safest procedure for you to obtain the best results.

The pros and cons of LASIK surgery

IN 1999 LASIK was FDA approved to correct certain eye conditions. The majority of people that have this surgery are glad they did and get their 20/20 vision back. There are many pros to getting LASIK. However, there are cons as well. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of getting the popular LASIK surgery.

LASIK eye surgery is a type of refractive surgery, and it’s the most popular surgical procedure for correcting nearsightedness, farsightedness, and/or astigmatism.

The Benefits:

  • LASIK eye surgery does not involve any stitches.
  • In only a matter of hours, patients start to see a difference.
  • Can resume normal activities in 48 hours.
  • This type of surgery can be done on an outpatient basis and usually takes about 15 minutes to complete.
  • It can correct nearsightedness, farsightedness, and/or astigmatism with just one operation.
  • LASIK eye surgery has been found to be safer than other types of refractive surgeries such as PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy).
  • Eyesight often improves after the procedure so there is no need for glasses or contact
  • No more eyeglasses or contacts
  • Improved Quality of Life
  • The ability to go swimming and take part in other water sports without fear of damaging the eye.
  • The risk of dry eyes is reduced.
  • Reduces chances of developing cataracts over time

There are many benefits and the procedure is really very simple to have done which is why so many choose it. If you are thinking about improving your eyesight once and for all, then LASIK might be something worth looking into. While there are some risks involved with any surgery, you should speak to your doctor and find out what is right for you.

Is LASIK Surgery Right for Me?

LASIK surgery is a surgical procedure used to correct refractive errors in the eye. These refractive errors can cause nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. Many people see LASIK surgery as a way to reverse their vision problems without wearing glasses or contact lenses.

But, Does LASIK Surgery Work for Everybody? There Are Some Cons.

The answer is no.

It might not be for you if you have eye conditions that can’t be corrected with LASIK surgery. Such things include age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma, corneal dystrophies, or retinal detachment makes someone ineligible for laser eye surgery. If you are not sure of what your condition is, your eye doctor can assist.

It also isn’t recommended for those over the age of 40 as they might have a condition called presbyopia. This condition is where the lens of the eye will become stiff. This stiffness affects the close-up vision. LASIK is used to alter the cornea and not the lens, so a person with this condition will not have any improvement.

Some Cons of LASIK

Another con is that the flaps from surgery might not heal properly. This typically happens from a person accidentally getting poked in the eye with something. It is really important that the patient doesn’t rub their eyes and dislodge the flap. The flap is the opening that the laser uses to get the cornea. It is not secured in any way as the eye will naturally heal it if left alone.

Another con of getting LASIK is there is a small chance you will need it again. There is a higher chance if you have a high prescription. This condition has a name called myopic regression. This is when you had a successful outcome but over time will start to depend on glasses again.

Another side effect that should be discussed is dry eye. Most patients will have dry eyes for up to three months. However, after that, they are good to go. That is for most people, there is a small chance that the patient will experience dry eyes permanently. This side effect can be treated with eye drops. With the latest technologies, this happens less than it used to.

Let’s Take a Look at More Cons

Again, the most common is burning, itching, and dry eye which typically peaks around 3 months. However, these cons usually peak at about 6-12 months. Other common side effects are having halos and glare around lights at night. This too typically improves in 6-12 months and affects only about 20% of the people.

There is a small chance that the patient will not have 20/20 vision when the surgery is completed. Most places will allow that patient to have a second surgery to further correct the issue. However, most people will have 20/20 vision right out of surgery. The majority of patients report that the side effects are a mild nuisance to have their site back.

What to for the Best Outcome

It is important that the patient takes the time to ensure they are good confident. Not every person has a condition that will benefit from LASIK. Some complications that come about from surgery are because the patient wasn’t a good candidate for this type of surgery. Be sure that you speak with your doctor and determine what would be best for you.

Certain people should even avoid LASIK surgery, some of these incidences are:

  • You’re under 18
  • You’re pregnant
  • You have rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune disease, and uncontrolled diabetes.
  • You have glaucoma or cataracts
  • The cornea is too thin or uneven

If you feel that you are a good candidate then you need to find a doctor that you are comfortable with. Be sure to ask a lot of questions and get realistic expectations. If you speak to a doctor that just says you will love it, that should be a red flag. Realistic expectations are 90% will have a great experience and will come out with a 20/20 vision. However, 10% will not have 20/20 and 40% will have some sort of side effects, although many are minor.

As with any medical procedure, people should always do their own research to determine if the procedure is right for them. Take into account both pros and cons to determine if you are willing to take the risk. You should also explore how high the risk is.

Eye Surgery Risks

Lets face the facts, any form of surgery is going to have risks. Not having surgery can have risks as well. Not being able to see well whether you are driving, walking down the street, or operating equipment at work can pose some serious risks if you can’t see well.

The chances of developing complications from LASIK eye surgery are very low. Some patients experience dry eyes due to the temporary decrease in tear production. Others experience difficulty in seeing in dim light, at night or in rain, snow, or fog. Occasionally, post-operative patients see halos, glare, star bursts, have double vision or light sensitivity. Swelling, inflammation, infection, and/or eye pain can occur. In very rare instances, patients experienced a temporary band of light in their peripheral vision. Severe complications, including significant vision loss, have been reported but are extremely rare.

Lasik Eye Surgery For Improving Vision

Chances are you have probably heard of LASIK eye surgery unless you have been living under a rock for the past 20 years. LASIK stands for Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis and is the best known and most commonly performed procedure to correct vision problems so you no longer need to wear eyeglasses or contact lenses.

LASIK is refractive surgery that actually changes the shape of your cornea. This is done to correct your vision. The retina is a layer at the back of the eye which contains cells that are sensitive to light. In a normal eye images are in clear focus due to the light rays being properly bent but when the light rays are not properly bent the light ends up being focused elsewhere which results in blurry vision.

Traditionally contact lenses or glasses have been used to refract or bend the light rays and how that is accomplished is based upon weather you have hyperopia or myopia. These are the fancy words for being farsighted or nearsighted.
